Monday, October 3, 2005

17 is coming...

I never thought this will come to me so fast. This month already october. Onlt have few more week lelf before my birthday at 24. And after that day, I have to tell people that I'm 17 years old but not the 16 years old i uesd to tell people. I can still remember that I start dating my first bf at form 2. And now is already form 5, I still didn't have a single chance to celebrate valentine day or my birthday with anyone. And i know for sure that, this year will still on my own, The same I get for last year and the last last year. The people who with me that day mostly still will be my parent. And I shall feel greatfull enough if there is anyone who actually remember my birthday and great me for that. A presant is to much for an little expetation. Eventhought I really hope someone4 will take that day as a very serious day and be there for me. And i know it will be another hope that will fall me, I guess i just have to work harder next year, to now be alone in my birthday.........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Make a wish... your dream'll come true... soon...