Tuesday, October 18, 2005


I friend a friend in ipoh, call kent also. Not the very close of friend. But we got sms each other once i a while, to check how are we doing recently. The last time I hear from him is that, he going to get merry with his bf, and migrate to europe. I was happy for them, Because they can make up their mind to do something like this. And yesterday, he call me again, And said that, they have broke up. And he will be the only one nigrate to europe. Isn't this too tragedy? Is hard for us(plu) to get a bf. And after we have one, seems like there is still alot of issue waiting for us.
Just like what i had said before, maybe love is not something meant for plu guy. We can never own it.
For me, donno is because I'm a scorpio or is just what i born in to, never have a hard time no fall in love with someone. Especially when I start get to know the person, plus the person is nice to me. I will start loving or liking him for few days or weeks. Untill I start to forget the feeling. Yhis happend too often. I learn to diffrentcise the is that the people I like got the same feeling with me or not. If the result is no, I will start forgeting about him in sometime. Maybe this is a skill i get becasue of this easy falling in love personality. Wondering i should be proud of it or feel tired bacause of it.... HAHA.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

halo big bear,

how r u recently??

from ur
dearest small bear